Yes, I am still writing about the Forbes article where Brandon Busteed offered a number of ideas that colleges could and should consider now that we are in an “anything goes” state of flux. Colleges are all about degrees and education but the cutting-edge information they confer on their graduates becomes increasingly dull as the years pile up after graduation. What if colleges offered a program to its graduates that allowed them to continue participating in the education process? Instead of searching for CEU credit wherever it can be found, what if the college provided the latest innovations for the professionals that hold degrees from their school?
Education systems in the United States from pre-K to PhD programs all agree that we should develop a culture of life-long-learning. It’s a great time for colleges to start practicing what they preach. Programs could take on a variety of formats – just as spring and fall 2020 classes have done. These virtual or in-person classes, seminars, conferences or presentations could be a flexible system that explores the way information is delivered to accommodate professionals in every part of society. The benefits for personal growth, advancement in the workplace and the constant introduction of new ideas, processes and knowledge have the potential to prevent the attitude of business-as-usual from taking hold in any business or organization employing college graduates who participate.
One very significant point that I have been slow to mention is the potential for an additional revenue stream for the college. The initiative could easily fund itself while keeping former students connected to the university.
We have seen one of the most dynamic changes in this countries education system – ever. This change occurred because it was forced upon us but that is no reason to only change as much as is required. If we can look past the fall semester or the 2020-2021 school year and consider what is being done well, what we can do better and what is missing; there are more than enough brilliant innovators out there to solve our education needs. Turn them loose and let them shape exciting learning environments for this and the next generation.