
Direct Admissions Programs Are Catching On

Direct admissions programs have been included in my writings before, but they have grown tremendously in popularity since they were last mentioned. If you don’t know what direct admission means; this pathway to higher education is a unique idea that can result in opportunities that students may otherwise have missed. With direct admission, students enter

What’s Wrong With Using AI to Write English Papers?

The same thing that is wrong with taking a nap while AI is driving your car or leaving your child to entertain themselves all day online without supervision. What could go wrong? Think back to the last report you wrote for work, the last letter you wrote to a friend or relative or the last

Use Scholarships to Help Pay For College

Good advice, but easier said than done. Where can you find scholarships that fit your major, location, and academic needs? Well, if it were easy, everyone would pay all their education costs with scholarships. Even though finding and earning scholarship money is not easy, it’s not as hard as you might think. Put forth the

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